Rock Paper Scissors

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In Rock Paper Scissors the players will normally have an indicator of when they will “throw” out their choice of either “rock,” “paper,” or “scissors.” This is normally done by saying “rock paper scissors” in a consistent beat so players will throw their choices at the same or at a similar time so that no player can wait to make their choice and win with a time advantage over the other player(s). Rock is displayed with a closed fist and wins against scissors but loses against paper. Paper is displayed with a flat hand and wins against rock but loses to scissors. Scissors is displayed by extending two fingers (normally the pointer and middle fingers) and wins against paper but loses to rock. Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, and rock crushes scissors. After all choices are thrown, then players and viewers look at the results and see who won. If there is a tie (for example two players throwing scissors and nobody throwing rock) then the round is replayed as many times as needed until a winner emerges victorious.